Happy Friday! Our resident life coach Phil Nicoletti is here to answer your questions and fix your problems. Enjoy!
Hey Phil! Very excited for you to be able to covey your superior knowledge to the masses! We all know you're the real deal...you earned it and grind regularly. That being said, please provide answers to these simple questions:
1. What are your favorite post work out foods, and how soon do you eat after cycling, moto or gym?
2. Have you and Troll ever wrestled/fought? If so was it recorded? Who won?
3. Do you drink black coffee before a race?
Bonus: For real, a guy in the Costco parking lot gave me your patented 'throat-slit' gesture cause he thought I got too close to him parking. I asked him if he paid the proper licensing fee for that move. He didn't like that comment, and got even more pissed- weird right?
As a fellow NJ/NY'er, do you want me to collect your royalties? The throat slit is your move! I have his license plate. Let me know...
See you at Dilla the Summer!
1. I’m a smoothie guy after workouts. Gym or cycling, it doesn’t matter. A berry blend smoothie with almond butter, honey, granola, chia seeds, oat milk. I don’t do much protein powder. I try and get that through real food. Smoothie normally within 10 minutes of workout, and real food about 30min after. After moto though, it’s always a turkey sandwich with the works. I have a sensitive stomach, so I stick with what works for me.
2. Lets be real here. Do you actually think Troll knows how to wrestle? A “My Pillow” would choke him out. Trolls record is currently 0-64826385745. The idiot has had some meltdowns where he’s came unglued and tried to defend himself. But he always ended up laying there like he was last Saturday. Side note: Jerma is actually a little scrapper.
3. I do drink black coffee sometimes. Depends on the circumstances. Outdoors I don’t do much coffee during the day, but in the morning I have two cups. The caffeine affects my adrenal glands a little much, especially when it’s hot. I found out I work better with just having my blood sugar around the right number vs a caffeine spike. If I do have coffee before moto-ing of any kind, I have to have it an hour and 30 minutes before. Everyone releases caffeine differently, so you just have to test and find your sweet spot. Sometimes I do need it before a race, because I slept like shit or whatever. I’ll put some butter in my coffee to decrease the caffeine spike.
Bonus: HA!!!! Gotta be careful with that throat slit nowadays. There are a lot of sensitive people now..............metaphors got lost time a long time ago somehow.
Seriously, both Troll Brothers down with about ten seconds of each other? What the hell happened?!
Troll Fan
Troll Fan,
Change that, Filthy Fan!! Troll sucks. I made it so that he wasn’t a hermit haha. Now he thinks he’s big time Vlog star but if I didn’t bring him out of his awkward shell he wouldn’t be doing anything. But seriously about that race: WTFFFFFFFF. My first reaction with Jerma was that it wasn’t too bad of a crash for circumstances! Getting landed on out of the first turn is no joke. I thought he was going back to pick up his bike for a second. Then he didn’t, and then he was reaching the back of his shoulder. So I thought okay, maybe scapula. I had no idea it was dislocated until Alex’s wife told me that he had to go to hospital to get it back in. Look, Jerma and I don’t talk much anymore, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want that little prick to win. So much work. So many hours. So many laps. Just gone. Absolutely horrible! Ten seconds later, the #26 looks like a #92 and Alex is watching Trolls World Tour in his sleep. I could see on TV that he wasn’t in too much pain. I talked to him the next day, and he was still collecting the minimal marbles he still has. Neither situation is good. Greta and John Martin probably aged five years last Saturday.