Once upon a time, vurbmoto.com changed the media game with high-end videos of amateur racers, building trust and gaining access to the future stars of the sport. Vurb itself eventually ceased, but the video crew still produces projects like Red Bull Moto Spy, which follows the big names with cameras and mics to get behind-the-scenes access. Remember, today's stars are the same riders Vurb covered 10 years ago, when they were kids. What have they learned about working with riders on a daily basis? What made Anaheim 1 unique compared to any other race? The day after Anaheim 1, Jason Weigandt took the Moto Spy crew to lunch to bench race about Anaheim and dive deeper into gaining access, how the riders and teams act on race day and during the week, and how this entire process came to be. Join Weigandt, Wes Williams, Danny Stuart, David Bulmer, and Chase Stallo while they do what you do: bench race, break down, and theorize about the athletes at Anaheim.
The Racer X Exhaust podcast is presented by Yoshimura.
Subscribe via iTunes or your favorite podcast app by searching for the Racer X Podcast Network. It's also available on the Racer X Illustrated YouTube channel, Spotify, and Google Play Music.
If you missed it, watch season four episode one of Red Bull Moto Spy here: