Things changed quickly. In the early 2000s, the factory test tracks were top-secret private property, and you could only imagine what off-season laps looked like in your dreams. Occasionally photos would emerge from the tracks, or a big-time gear sponsor would produce a single absolute must-see video that you could watch through the buffering of your slow internet speed.
But as internet video grew simpler, the “test track video” became an off-season staple. YouTube became littered with them.
Now, it’s even easier. The boys just hand their phone over to someone before going out for a lap, and bam, social media is primed for a feed straight from the track. The tracks used to be top-secret, now riders are pumping out content to build their social media base.
We’ve collected some clips right here so you can see what the off-season work of late 2018 looks like.