Racer X Films: 2022 Honda CRF250R Bike Intro
Kris Keefer and his crew went up to the Pacific Northwest for the 2022 Honda CRF250R introduction. Keefer explains the differences to the much-anticipated, all-new model, including three of the main focus points the Honda development team had: durability, torque performance, and handling. Some differences such as a nine-plate clutch system in the 2022 model compared to an eight-plate system in the 2021 model helps increase durability, and a better cooling system (helped by a new water propeller and radiator louvers) help keep the air flowing better and helps keep the bike cooled better, especially in tough conditions. A different cam shaft, a different head, a different intake are also all supposed to increase the torque as Honda worked hard to stop the requests for more bottom end. There are also a handful of changes to the ergonomics of the bike, mostly the chassis feel. Then Keefer chats with his 15-year-old son, Aden, and photographer Dallas Dunn to get their first ride impressions. Check out their first day on the bike.