*Main image courtesy of Ken Hill.
The Race Leadership Team announced an update to their Lucas Oil Pro Motocross and GNCC Racing schedules today. While the Washougal National cancellation last week was already previously announced, the addition of the Burr Oaks GNCC to the schedule has added another round in late September.
The race will act as a replacement to the Snowshow GNCC at Snowshoe Mountain Resort that was canceled earlier this year.
Read the full update below:
Lucas Oil Pro Motocross:
Due to regulatory concerns it was necessary to relocate the pro racing program of the Washougal National. The amateur racing program at Washougal will proceed as scheduled this weekend. However, the Pro racing program has been moved to Loretta Lynn’s for a back-to-back national. There will be no amateur racing program at this Loretta Lynn’s National.
The remainder of the schedule is:
AMA Pro Motocross Championship Schedule
2020 Motocross Schedule
- MotocrossLoretta Lynn's (National) Saturday, August 15
- MotocrossLoretta Lynn's II Saturday, August 22
- MotocrossIronman Saturday, August 29
- MotocrossRedBud National I Friday, September 4
- MotocrossRedBud National II Monday, September 7
- MotocrossSpring Creek Saturday, September 19
- MotocrossWW Ranch (Florida) Saturday, September 26
- MotocrossThunder Valley Saturday, October 3
- MotocrossFox Raceway Saturday, October 10
All events will be conducted in compliance with face covering guidelines as locally appropriate and required and social distancing when possible.
GNCC Racing:
Earlier Snowshoe Mountain Resort, the location of the 10thround of the GNCC Racing Series, notified the GNCC Racing Series that due to COVID19 concerns, it will not be able to host the Snowshoe GNCC scheduled for September 26/27. Accordingly, the September 26/27 GNCC Race has been moved to Millfield, Ohio for the Burr Oaks GNCC. This is the same location as the John Penton GNCC previously held on June 27/28.
The remaining rounds are as follows.
Progressive GNCC Racing Schedule
2020 GNCC Schedule
- GNCCBig Buck Sunday, February 23
- GNCCWild Boar Sunday, March 8
- GNCCCamp Coker Bullet Sunday, May 31
- GNCCHigh Voltage Sunday, July 12
- GNCCLoretta Lynn's - eMTB Only Saturday, August 1
- GNCCBuckwheat 100 Sunday, November 8
All events will be conducted in compliance with face covering guidelines as locally appropriate and required and social distancing when possible.
About the Race Leadership Team:
The RLT consists of representatives from the AMA, MX Sports and MX Sports Pro Racing. The RLT will reconvene next Monday to review race schedules, making adjustments as needed, and will work with event organizers to reschedule events when possible.
The RLT continues to urge racing families to use common sense: 1) wash your hands often; 2) avoid shaking hands or coming into close personal contact with others; 3) cough into your elbow; 4) don’t touch your face; 5) if you are sick, stay home; 6) if you are really sick, go to the hospital; and 7) don’t panic. The health, safety and welfare of our riders and their families remains paramount, and we will keep our race community apprised of all further developments.
Please direct all communications to info@mxsports.com.