I'll get right to the point and then kindly step off the soap box. I go to these message boards and can't believe the amount of disrespect I see from the keyboard warriors concerning these pro riders. I read everything from how riders should be basically thrown to the wolves for split second racing decisions to how stupid a certain (ex-champion) announcer sounds in the booth and doesn't deserve the spot. There's just so much trash talk about everyone from Jeffrey Herlings to Ricky Carmichael, Kevin Windham, James Stewart, Eli Tomac, Marvin Musquin etc., just kinda surprises me. I get it, people want to be opinionated about stuff that takes place on the track but some take it to a level that is just over the top disrespectful. These riders bust their @$$ week in/week out, compete at a level that probably 98 percent of us will never be at ever and deal with stress levels most will never see. I guess I start to feel bad for these riders especially if they're on any of these sites reading this crap. Hopefully it's the minority and the support is the majority. Anyway, off the soap box now.
I think Jeremy “Twitch” Stenberg said it best in a recent interview. During a discussion about this very topic, Twitch said, “People have become too comfortable talking shit on the internet because they know they aren’t going to get punched in the face. I hope 2019 is the year we can bring back punching people for running their mouth.” I don’t condone violence publicly, but in this particular case I find Twitch making a lot of sense. Maybe we should force people to list their home address if they want to post a comment. Think that would change the dialogue?
Adam Cianciarulo made a really profound comment during his interview. He basically opined that these days people can’t be happy for other people who are successful. It’s so true. If somebody hates on you it’s because there is something about your life that makes that person jealous. Period. That AC kid really has a good head on his shoulders. What an asshole. I mean, uh, great kid... I’m really happy for him. No, really, I am!
John, thank you for seeing through the cynical rants and immature comments from the crack team of armchair quarterbacks filling the chat rooms and comments sections. And thank you for appreciating just how hard all these guys work to chase their dreams.
Hey Ping,
I’m sure you’re getting a ton of questions on this one so I’ll keep it short.
The “jumping on Red Cross flag” rule was changed to a points penalty only in 2017 instead of position + points and although applied properly to Marv in Seattle, my main question is this... what would keep a guy that sits 10th or further in points that may be leading a race from blatantly jumping on Red Cross to increase his chance at a win? I mean if I’m Justin Barcia or Dean Wilson or someone in their position right now I’m gladly giving up a few points to retain that W in the record books.
So, doesn’t it make more sense for the rule to remain position + point penalty instead of points only??
I don’t like that the rule has gone to points only because you’re giving a win to a guy who blatantly broke the rules; that red cross flag couldn’t have been more obvious if they smacked Marv in his helmet with it. And, like you said, if I were out of the points chase and I didn’t have any integrity I would use a red cross flag situation to pin it and move my way past other riders. You could make up huge chunks of time while they are rolling through and score yourself a win or podium and then play dumb when asked why you jumped. The minute there is a discrepancy they should begin looking at film and before the trophies are handed out and the champagne is popped, they should make the call. Cheaters get docked positions and money. The hard part is determining what the penalty is: Two positions? Three? When the rules are as subjective as they are it leaves too much gray area. I don’t like that Musquin didn’t even slow down for a downed rider and yet he is still credited with the win.
Hello David,
I have to ask being from Ohio where the politicians still can’t make up their minds on whether or not CBD oil is illegal, what specific CBD oil do you use?
There are two types of CBD oil available, full spectrum and CBD isolate. Full spectrum has all the goodies including THC in small amounts and CBD isolate does not have any THC as it comes from Hemp. I feel the public is uneducated on CBD as they never differentiate between the two or even know that one has devil’s lettuce and the other does not. Is this also the hang up with Reedy running his CBD colors? Does WADA ban CBD isolate?
I’ve used CBD oil isolate in the past but the great state of Ohio has ripped it from the shelves thinking everyone is gonna get Reefer Madness. I work in a safety sensitive industry and subject to random drug tests and wondered what hurdles you and if possible, racers face using it.
Thanks Ping,
Old Delta Motocross National Land
Delta rider,
I raced at Delta Raceway way back in 1994… what a fun track! Is it still there? I’ve tried several different brands of CBD including MedTerra, Eco Sciences, and cbdMD and all of them seem to be great quality and they all have similar effects. As a firefighter I also have to be careful about what I use but, as you mentioned, with hemp-based CBD there is no THC. I’ve beat the hell out of my knees over the years and between CBD capsules and topical cream I’ve noticed an improvement in pain and stiffness (inflammation). I’m a believer.
You’ve definitely nailed the national stigma when it comes to these products. People fear what they don’t understand and they believe if you use CBD oil, you’re going to raid the pantry and eat your body weight in Twinkies and Little Debbie snack cakes. Trust me, I don’t need to have the munchies for that scenario to play out. However, a little education goes a long way when it comes to these products and I think it will just take time for folks to catch up. WADA does NOT have CBD oil on their banned substances list and as long as you are buying products from a reputable company, such as those listed above, you’ll be fine.
Again, hemp-derived CBD isolate does NOT contain THC. The full spectrum allegedly has more benefits, but because of my occupation I’m sticking with the isolate. Hopefully Ohio gets their poop in a group and realizes they are missing out on a good product and a burgeoning market.
Have a question for Ping? Email him at