Corona, CA—Current 250SX West Region points leader Adam Cianciarulo joins us in the TLD Saloon for this week’s Whiskey Throttle Show. This is one of our live shows so if you’re in the southern California area be sure to come hang out. Adam appears to be on the brink of finally realizing his championship potential and we’ll find out what has made the difference.
Is there something you’ve always wanted to ask AC? Send us a tweet @w_throttle_show or an email to and we’ll add it to our list of questions. You can also send questions to Ping and GL and the duo will respond in the 4 Wheel PartsGet@Me Q & A segment later in the show.
The show posts on Friday and you can listen on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher and links to the show can be found on , as well as The show will also be available on our YouTube channel by searching The Whiskey Throttle Show.
Purchase your tax-deductible tickets to the next live show on February 8th with Adam Cianciarulo here. Click the SHOP tab. Limited seats available! $20 donation per seat and 100 percent of proceeds go to Road 2 Recovery… Free 805 beer and pizza with entry! Doors open at 5:00 and show starts at 6:30.