Hi Ping,
Does Dylan Ferrandis have an extremely small head or an oversized bill on his hat? I can't tell if it's a case of Beetlejuice, a camera angle, or if he has watched The Sandlot since coming to the U.S. and thought he wanted to look like that talent-less kid who is still trying to find his place in the neighborhood pick-up game. I respect Dylan's "long hair, don't care" look and his Chris Cornell curls (taps chest and points to sky), but every time I see him being interviewed after a race I find myself asking the question what in the euro is going on?
Your Friend and Mine,
After scrolling through some Google images of Dylan and putting in some very technical study time on his skull size I’ve determined that his melon is appropriately sized. Where things go sideways is with his hat selection; more specifically, the bill on his hats. This guy is vehemently opposed to any type of curvature to his hat bill whatsoever. I’m used to French folks saying “no thanks” to deodorant, shaved arm pits and capitalism, but having a hat bill so straight it looks like it underwent conversion therapy is new to me. After seeing all these photos it makes me want to run up to him and bend the crap out of his bill like a NASCAR fan on a fishing trip. Anybody know how to say “Put some curve in that bill” in French? Anyway, this kid is fast and he could potentially be around for a while. Let’s hope he gets over his fear of a curved hat bill.
Dear Ping,
Even though summers are short up here, Canada is still able to produce some world class athletes in sports other than hockey. Our latest phenom is golfer Brooke Henderson. She wears your name on her visor and kinda looks like you? Any relation?
Jay Reynolds
That is one handsome gal right there. And she has excellent choice in golf clubs as well. As far as I know I don’t have any relatives playing pro golf but this girl looks like a younger, better smelling version of me. I did hang out with the guys from the Great Western Bank team after a few Nationals back in the Northeast in the 1990s, so I’m not going to rule anything out until I see a paternity test. Regardless of the results, I’m a new Brooke Henderson fan.
Hey Dave,
I thought you might be uniquely qualified to answer this question because of your moto and first responder background. I have a label on the front of my helmet (just under the visor) that says my name, DOB, no known allergies, and my ICE ( in case of emergency) phone number for my wife. I spend a lot of time at the track by myself so this is my attempt at not being anonymous in case I knock myself out. My question is this: if you were to approach an injured rider incapable of answering your questions what would you want to know?
That’s a really good question, Kevin, and one that most folks probably don’t consider enough. You nailed most of the important information for paramedics. A couple of other things that help include listing medications you currently take and also noting any medical conditions you have. For instance, if you’re diabetic and you’re unconscious when we get to you, knowing you could have low sugar would steer us to a proper diagnoses quicker. Also, if you have any blood borne diseases please list those as well; that’s for the safety of the medic.
While we’re on the subject of safety I’m going to make a couple of other recommendations. First, don’t go riding by yourself if you can help it. I know you just told me you ride by yourself—sorry, bro.
Second, consider your options for rescue if things go badly. If you are at a local track with hospitals nearby you will have firefighters showing up quickly. If you’re out in the middle of the sand dunes and literally hours from any medical facility you might want to adjust your riding accordingly. Critical trauma patients need to be in the operating room within an hour, something referred to in the medical community as the “golden hour,” for their outcome to be positive. Take that into account before you scream “Yolo” and send it off some booter in the middle of nowhere. Stay safe and thanks for writing in!
Have a question for Ping? Hit him up at ping@racerxonline.com.