Certainly everyone is buzzing over #blackflaggate but only a few riders were willing to put their thoughts out there via social media. We spotted a few good ones, though, with most either confused by or against the decision. Here's what we found on Sunday.
Chad Reed
Ive always worn my heart on my sleeve 2 wrongs don't make a right But I've never and will never take getting landed on from behind lightly
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
Trey and I are professionals that have a much bigger goal than ruining Each other week in week out It's done and dusted IMO
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
This opens a massive can of worms! While I love this sport It blows my mind that there is millions of $ invested and on the line
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
Yet we've volunteers and part time people making such big calls Imagine F1 official black flagging ros for cutting ham tire last yr.
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
A decision gets made after the race from multiple educated (most times) Ex F1 drivers..
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
This is the beginning of change That I promise When and how long.. Time will tell #GOAT ... #letsdothis ...
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
If you were waiting for an apology My bad! Heat of the moment shit happens I'm no angel! I'm human
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
This isn't about a game of back and forth this guy did this that guy did that This is setting a bar of impossible sustainable levels
— Chad Reed (@CRtwotwo) January 18, 2015
Tyler Bowers
How about @CRtwotwo black flag??? #bullshiz. Savage move though took em to school in the very next corner
— tyler bowers (@tbowers911) January 18, 2015
Kyle Chisholm
Really can't believe my guy @CRtwotwo got black flagged tonight! Looked like a BS call to me! I guess if you bump into someone it's over?
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
Regardless of what happened prior all @CRtwotwo did was take trey out. Why didn't Webb get a black flag on bowers or Hansen with mcelrath?
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
Yea CR22 retaliated but when some1 stuffs you, you retaliate & stuff them back if possible. It's racing. So are u not allowed to bump some1?
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
Can't write every1 back. But was CR move blatant/retaliating? Yes. Should he be black flagged for it? No!
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
People "retaliate" every week. You guys just don't always see it. If some1 takes you out you say ok I'll get that guy back next time....
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
... Well CR's "next time" was the next corner. It happens every week & has happened forever. It's racing. It was blatant but not malicious.
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
1 example of retaliating was Hansen taking Mcelrath out into the mechanics area. He got him back cuz mcelrath got him at A1. No black flag
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
& I don't think Hansens move was bad. It's racing. It's aggressive racing. It happens every week & will continue to happen. Racers get it
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
Not wanting to argue with anyone by the way! It has absolutely nothing to do with me lol. Just voicing my opinion.
— Kyle Chisholm (@KyleChisholm11) January 18, 2015
Les Smith
Man Moto is starting to get like football, bump someone and your out #letemhit
— Les Smith (@LesSmith64) January 18, 2015
Ricky Carmichael
@LesSmith64 I wouldn't even consider that as a hit, more like a nudge..
— Ricky Carmichael (@RickyCarmichael) January 18, 2015
RJ Hampshire
Black flag was uncalled for
— RJ Hampshire (@Hampshire21) January 18, 2015
Joey Savatgy
Anyone who says that black flag wasn't right... You're only fooling yourself
— VERSACE SAVATGY (@joeysavatgy176) January 18, 2015
This is my point.He purposely took canard out after the fact... Not cool. Never said alessi shouldn't of been penalized. Both unprofessional
— VERSACE SAVATGY (@joeysavatgy176) January 18, 2015
Jake Weimer
Trey Canard