What do you think? I hear everyone thinking RV is nuts because he can't expect to win the championship in any foreign land and he would make $$$ in the US. I say this is all wrong. Here's my thought:
He canned his trainer and sold his Florida place. He was burnt out, so he figured he'd just do something new like the GPs. He'd get paid (maybe even more), get to travel, won't have to work out so hard (again, his trainer was work'n him, big time), won't have to race every weekend, spend time with his wife, all while traveling through Europe. It's genius.
What's not to get? He doesn't care about trying to knock off RC; who would? It would take years. It will never happen.
It's genius.
I wish Ryan Villopoto would sit down with someone and let them know what is going on inside his head, because the theories are getting a little twisted. It seems clear with the sale of his property and parting ways with his trainer that he is not going to be racing here next year. But your theory about Europe is off. I'm not saying he isn't going there, but it isn't because he wants to travel Europe with his wife on Kawasaki's dime. Remember… Villopoto is rich. If he wants to go see the world, he can buy first class tickets for himself and his wife, and they can go stay in five-star hotels around the globe. He doesn't need to see Mexico and Latvia just because his team is footing the bill. If he goes to the GPs, he will have to train just as hard as he did here. I imagine one of his concerns in tarnishing his legacy (that is always an issue with multi-time champs), and getting beat by Antonio Cairoli, as awesome as he is, isn't something he wants to have happen. I think Villopoto is deciding if he really has a desire to race anymore. We will all know soon enough.
Recently, I was eloquently describing and/or roasting a coworker of mine for yet another major injury. The guy loves moto; he grins like the Cheshire Cat when he rides, and that love for riding is a really refreshing attitude, but we're talking Bambi on ice. The rumors around the workplace have escalated to where another coworker asked if he had, in fact, crashed his Tote Goat. I said A) No, it was an RM-Z250 and B) What the hell is a Tote Goat? A quick Google image search left me with more questions than answers. I'm not saying she's hot; I'm not saying she's not. I'm just sayin. Actually, I don't know what to say at all. That, I shall leave to you.
Pass me the brain bleach or maybe a Keystone Light,
Boise, ID
So, yeah, wow, Tote Goats are apparently a thing. I can't think of too many instances when I would need an antiquated piece of utility equipment like that, but maybe some folks have a need. As for the gal posing on it, I just hope that isn't her dad in the background perving out on her. Keystone Light sounds appropriate at this point, and, interestingly enough, drinking enough of those works just like brain bleach. I may need some myself, because ever since I read this letter I've been walking around my house saying, "Totes Magotes," and other lines from the movie I Love You, Man.
Slappa da bass, Mon. Ugh, this is going to be a tough day.
I’m getting fired up… so much so that I'm writing you a note while taking care of my morning business, if you know what I mean. I just read your Electronic Ping column in the newest issue of Racer X, and I don’t like what I’m hearing. It sounds like your fire department crap is getting in the way of my motocross magazine entertainment, and I’m not happy about it. So, what’s going on here? Are you finished with Racer X completely? Are you going off Twitter too? I’m not happy about this.
Big Mike
Tulsa, OK
Big Mike,
Whoa, big fella. Let’s take a few deep breaths and see if we can slow our heart rate down a bit. The only thing that is going to be missing for a while is the column in the magazine. I’ve got a very busy few months coming up, and the gang in Morgantown, WV wants to try some new things in the book, so that column is taking a break. “Ask Ping” will still be here on Fridays and I’ll have other work still in the magazine. My Twitter account might go quiet for a while, but you can always just scroll through old posts if you need a laugh, or start following Austin Stroupe or Jaden Smith; their stuff is genius. It’s going to be fine, Mike. There are bigger issues in the world than a monthly magazine column taking a hiatus. Like, for instance, the unimaginable filthiness of your laptop or your complete disregard for hygiene. Anyway, thanks for caring.
Have a question for Ping? Email him at