Hi Ping,
Considering that getting a good start could be the biggest factor to one's success in a race, what are your thoughts on removing hole shot devices at the pro level? When I watch replays it looks as if the pros just hold the throttle to 3/4 position, dump the clutch and hold on for the ride. There appears to be very little finesse to getting a good start these days. I would assume that a professional level 450 would be pretty tough to handle without a holeshot device and could add even more challenge to the race. I am not saying get rid of them completely from all of motocross but similar to professional baseball (yeah I went there) you have to move up to a wooden bat from an aluminum bat at the pro level. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference but we all can agree that a start device is an advantage. What do you think?
While it would never happen I would love to see holeshot devices go away. Unfortunately, progress continues to be made and everything from the bikes to suspensions to tires continues to make it easier to go faster and perform better; that’s just the world we live in. But the days of seeing photos with half the gate wheeling and dangling a foot off the peg as they struggle to go in a straight line are long gone thanks to holeshot devices. They’ve idiot-proofed starts and taken much of the technicality out of it. I guess the same could be said for any technical advancement in the sport though, right? Should we just go back to racing twin-shocked Maicos?
Hello Mr.
I have recently suffered a pretty big injury and for the 1st time in my 30 years of riding and racing. It wasn't until the 8th week of recovery that I felt I would get back on a bike again.
My question is this: How do guys walk away from moto? I'm into a few other things, like mtn bike racing and snowboarding, but nothing comes close to what I get out of myself with moto. I'm already back pedaling, but when I get healthy enough to moto my brain is going to be looking to rail some corner again, but my body will question this.
Thanks for the opinion
Once dirt bikes get in your blood it’s pretty hard to purge your system of them completely. Some guys stop riding but they still follow the sport and keep track of who’s doing the winning. The bottom line, if you really want to walk away from it, is that you need to find a new passion. It’s kind of like getting over an ex-girlfriend; the best way is to replace her with a new one, preferably one who is hotter and with bigger boobs. The problem is finding a sport that hooks you the way motocross does and that is really difficult. Getting on the snow, on a mountain bike or on a surfboard would be the routes I’d suggest but it looks like you’ve already tried that. Here are your options: You can maximize your physical therapy, get healthy again and ride at your ability level with all of the available protective gear. Or you can be a little bitch and sell your bike. Hope it works out for you.
What kind of diet do most pro riders have? I imagine they eat well but do they get caught up in trendy diets? RV looked like he had the flu for a month before the A1 round last year…. So skinny! I have a friend who is a pro cyclist and I’m always surprised at how little he eats; just wondering if moto guys are the same?
Different riders are all over the map on this one. There are some riders/trainers who believe you can eat anything you want as long as you are training hard. Sometimes a lack of time and funds make this the easiest option, especially for privateers on the road. Or those who love ice cream so much they simply refuse to adhere to a diet that eliminates the creamy frozen confection or reduces the amount you can consume in any way. Uh, that’s what I’ve heard anyway. Others like more of a Paleo Diet approach, which consists of more natural whole foods and avoiding anything processed. Andrew Short has been on this program for a few years now and it seems very logical. And there are some, RV’s trainer included, who scrutinize everything that passes their lips and count every last calorie that gets consumed. You could argue that Aldon walks too fine a line between keeping his riders fit and pushing them into a continuous caloric deficit at the expense of their immune system and general well-being. You could… except for the avalanche of titles he’s won. Yes, Ryan will show up this Saturday with his cheeks sunken in like an Italian supermodel living on celery and cigarettes but he damn sure won’t get tired in the 20-lap main event. Diet is a large part of the fitness puzzle when it comes to any athlete’s training program. If you think you can outwork a poor diet and still reach the elite level of fitness required to win championships, come on over to my house and let’s try to find a number one plate on my wall.
Have a question for Ping? Send him an email to ping@racerxonline.com.