Due to the coronavirus outbreak, Georgia Gov. Kemp has just urged the sick and the vulnerable (the elderly and those with underlying health conditions or suppressed immune systems) to avoid large events and mass gatherings. This is sound advice and GNCC likewise urges the sick and vulnerable to avoid large gatherings, including GNCC events. GNCC Racing will comply with the restrictions imposed by federal, state and local authorities, including the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC) and the World Health Organization (“WHO”) regarding this matter.
At this time, the General GNCC set for this weekend (Mar. 14/15) at Aonia Pass in Washington, Georgia, is under no such restriction and will proceed as scheduled unless notified to the contrary by local authorities.
In the meantime, GNCC urges its racing family to use common sense: 1) wash your hands often; 2) avoid shaking hands or coming into close personal contact with others; 3) if you are sick, stay home; 4) if you are really sick, go to the hospital; and 5) don’t panic. Additional hand-washing stations will be onsite at all events. Finally, until further notice, autograph sessions with riders are suspended.
The health, safety and welfare of our riders, teams and fans remains paramount, and we will keep our race community apprised of all further developments.
Please direct all comments to rules@gnccracing.com.