Pick up your copy now and read our 24-page feature article about the big six (Honda, Husqvarna, Kawasaki, KTM, Suzuki, Yamaha) manufacturers searching for answers heading into the 2018 Monster Energy Supercross season, and Jeremy McGrath reflecting on all eight of his past Racer X Illustrated covers. Also read about the recreation of all the action that took place at Anaheim 1 using Legos, courtesy of @lego.mx.
Covering the Anaheim 1 Supercross opener is always a struggle for a print magazine that gets released an entire month after the fact. We need to make sure we’ve got coverage, but that it’s not something that every person reading will already know or see by the time the printed magazine ships. That’s our goal with Racer X Illustrated.
Considering both, we thought it would be fun to give our readers a look at what happened that January 6 night in Anaheim, but do it with the help of Ted Kalen. Ted is the mastermind behind the @lego.mx Instagram account. He creates some amazing scenes from SX, MX, and MXGP races. We hit him up and asked what he thought. He was all in. From there, we let the races unfold and picked about 15 of our favorite moments and asked Ted to recreate the A1 madness.
A few days later, we picked a cover image of Jason Anderson whipping his way to victory. Then another lightbulb went off. What if we made a Lego version of the actual cover? Ted was up for it, and made a spot-on recreation. We posted the recreation on social media and people loved it! So, we decided to make a cover poster for it. You can now buy it on RacerXBrand.com.
To see more Lego scenes, and get some insight from Ted Kalen himself, read our feature "The Anaheim Lego SX" exclusively in the April '18 issue of Racer X Illustrated, starting on page 132.