Which country will win the Motocross of Nations?
France (Romain Febvre, Benoit Paturel, Gautier Paulin) 886 votes - 14.2%
USA (Cooper Webb, Alex Martin, Jason Anderson) 4347 votes - 69.4%
Belgium (Kevin Strijbos, Jeremy Van Horebeek, Brent Van doninck) 92 votes - 1.5%
Switzerland (Valentin Guillod, Jeremy Seewer, Arnaud Tonus) 85 votes - 1.4%
Netherlands (Glenn Coldenhoff, Brian Bogers, Jeffrey Herlings) 412 votes - 6.6%
Italy (Antonio Cairoli, Samuele Bernardini, Michele Cervellin) 66 votes - 1.1%
Great Britain (Tommy Searle, Max Anstie, Shaun Simpson) 254 votes - 4.1%
Other 119 votes - 1.9%