It appears we will have to wait a few more days on an official diagnosis on James Stewart’s injury sustained last weekend at the Bercy-Lille Supercross race in Lille, France.
Stewart went down in a corner on the first night of racing and had to be assisted off the track with an ankle injury. He did not race the second night.
Last night, he released a statement on Instagram, saying they were still waiting on results.
“Tough weekend but I did enjoy my time with the unbelievably loud French crowd. As always they showed me mad love and helluve bummed my night ended like that. Waiting for results on my ankle so I hope things aren't as bad as they feel now.”
Stewart went on to say that his injury shouldn’t be the main concern, that the terrorist attacks in Paris that took place on Friday should be the focal point:
“But in the big scheme of things I shouldn't even mention my injury. It's The ones in Paris who need our support. We all get caught up in our little world and think when things are going wrong, the man is punishing us only. Take a step back and look at the big picture, we all should be grateful to have a chance to complain, suffer or whatever we choose to do because In dark times just realized everything always can be worse. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. I won't say it'll be easy but I promised it will be worth it. Im grateful to have an opportunity to spend another day with the people I love and the great fans I have. I appreciate you guys and will always continue to fight everyday. My condolences goes out to everyone who were effected in all of this sadness.”
Stewart is scheduled to race the AUS-X Open of Supercross on November 28 and 29. He status for the race is unknown at this time.
We will have more information as it becomes available.