Headed to East Rutherford?
April 23, 2015, 1:00pm
Heading to East Rutherford for the sixteenth round of Monster Energy Supercross this weekend? Stop by the Racer X booth—located in the Party in the Pits—to pick up a free copy of Racer X Illustrated. You can also sign up or renew for just $20 (60 percent off the cover price) to get a one-year subscription, a FREE pair of Racer X socks, and an extra issue!
Not all of us have the bike skills to pay the bills, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be featured on the cover of Racer X Illustrated! Stop by our booth, snap a picture with you on our cover, and post on social media using @racerxonline and #racerxatsx for a chance to be featured on one of our pages.