Racer X and 100% teamed up to offer you, our loyal readers, a chance to win a cool prize right in time for the holidays. Thanks to 100%, we gave away a goggle bag with three pairs of goggles to one lucky winner. After digging through more than 200 entries (you guys rock!) we have produced a winner: Congrats to Philip Crabtree. Philip got all ten questions correct. Philip wasn't the only one to get all ten questions correct, a lot of you did. But, we could only pick one winner. Thanks to everyone for participating.
Below are the questions and the correct answers.
What year was 100% first started?
Answer: 1982
Who was the original founder of 100%?
Answer: Drew Lien
How was the company named?
Answer: Drew Lien was looking at a poster of Bob Hannah (#100) and asked himself, “What does it take to win?” and he answered his own question: “You have to give it 100%”
What year did 100% launch a brand new line of goggles?
Answer: 2012
Who was the first factory rider to sign on to use the 100% goggles?
Answer: Justin Brayton. We also accepted Gautier Paulin.
A key feature sets 100%’s goggles apart from its competitors uses the tagline “Simplicity Is The Ultimate Sophistication.” What does this refer to?
Answer: 1 lens fits all models
Which 100% rider was on the winning 2014 MXoN team?
Answer: Gautier Paulin.
Who are 100%’s factory 450 riders for 2015?
Answer: Dean Wilson and Davi Millsaps.
Besides eyewear, what is the other main product category offered by 100%?
Answer: Gloves.
How many different models of gloves does 100% offer?
Answer: Six.