I am wondering if you could look into the ticket prices of Supercross? Face value of our tickets were suppose to be $40.00, but after Ticket Master gets their greedy little fingers on them the ticket cost $71.00 plus $20.00 convenience fee and a $7.50 E-file fee. That $40.00 ticket sure got expensive. Why does Feld allow these ticket companies to rip off the fans? Do they not want to sell out the stadiums? If the tickets went for face value, I am sure the stadiums would have a lot more people in the seats.
Ripped off in Detroit
I feel your pain. I took my wife to a Pink concert recently and went through the same range of emotions you likely did. At first I rationalized the price of the tickets because I knew my wife would have fun. Then the tax was added on to the price and I cursed the state of California because I knew they would waste that money on something stupid anyway. Then the Ticket Master clowns took their cut and I beat my forehead into the screen of my computer until I had almost drawn blood. And then, just when I thought the raping was over, Ticket Monster hit me with a convenience fee. A convenience fee? What kind of ridiculous excuse is that to charge me more money? After taking out a small business loan and selling a few pints of blood I was able to see Pink in concert and we had a nice time. I snuck some licorice and a soda into the arena so I feel like it was wash, dollar-wise. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Hey, I know I'm fortunate to get a media pass to the races every year and it must be a kick right in the cash-and-prizes to pay those fees every year. The best thing you could do is ask someone who is racing to buy some tickets for you… they love doing that, I promise.
Hey Ping,
I was wondering why the 4 Japanese manufacturers don't use electric starters on their mx models? KTM doesn't seem to be effected by the extra weight.
Thanks for any information.
Tim, Santa Barbara
I just rang up one of my business contacts at Honzusakiha and gave him a good what-for about this electric start business. My Japanese is super rusty but I'm pretty sure he was saying something about the cost involved in adding electric start to the bikes. It seems their budget has gone to bringing the air fork to the market instead of focusing on things that would actually make the bike better. I'm sure they have a host of ideas they would love to try on the future models in their lineup but they are trying to keep the cost from going up any more, which I think you can appreciate. Maybe we'll see it down the road. Or maybe he was telling me what kind of sushi he had for lunch. I can't be sure.
With today's moto stars predominantly being influenced by the current media, music, tv stars and musical entertainers… does it annoy you as much as me when you hear riders interviewed and they have a slight twang to their speech like they came out of the hardest ghetto you can find in America? Why are the young kids these days trying to sound like a gang-banger straight out of Detroit? You know what I mean, Ping, don't act like you haven't noticed it!!! I listen to the Pulpmx show and every single time I hear Enticknap come on I just shake my head. When he is just carrying on normal conversation I love him. But then he tries going all "cool guy" and starts talking like a rapper I go from loving the guy to wanting to slap him upside the head. Really guy? Really? He grew up in a small little town in California and I highly doubt that is the standard accent in Lompoc, or however it's spelled. Why can't these riders just be who they are? Why do they feel the need to try to speak and sound like their favorite rap star, who may or may not have grown up in the ghetto somewhere...
Joshua mccollum
Greensboro pa.
I'm sure I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. We need to be tolerant of all accent types in this country regardless of where people are from. How do you know that isn't the way they really talk? Didn't you ever see Malibu's Most Wanted? B-Rad could never get his father to understand him and you are being just as narrow-minded with this hate speech of yours. How can you be certain that Adam Enticknap isn't African American? I'll bet you feel sheepish now, don't you? And Nick Wey was allegedly in a Detroit gang when he was younger but thanks to the tireless efforts of public help groups and government-funded programs he is one the bright stars of American motocross today. It sounds like you drank the George Bush Kool Aid for too long and you need to join the rest of us in the 21st century! Hate monger!
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