We've reached day 10+2 of the Xmas Countdown presented by O'Neal.
- Brought to you by the same people who build the Concept2 Indoor Rower!
- Used by Team TwoTwo Motosports' own Chad Reed and Platinum Fitness
- Builds superior strength and endurance in upper body, core, and legs
- Builds superior aerobic conditioning
- Can be wall mounted to save space
- As seen at the Loretta Lynn’s National as part of the infamous RacerXVT/Concept2 rowing challenge

Retail Price: SkiErg PM3 monitor $730.00
SkiErg PM4 monitor $880.00
Floor Stand $230.00
Contact Info:
SkiErg.com, Concept2.com Questions:
Twitter: @Concept2MXMMA