In wake of Chad Reed’s spectacular moonshot crash last weekend at Millville (which has gone viral and can now be seen everywhere from ESPN’s SportsCenter to Fox News and CNN) we decided to take a look at some of the more spectacular crashes throughout the history of motocross. Words would do this feature an injustice; so we have decided to let the videos speak for themselves. Without further ado, and in no particular order we present The List: Ten Spectacular Crashes.
10.) Mike Alessi RedBud 2008
9.) Ricky Carmichael Washougal 2006
8.) James Stewart High Point 2006
7.) Doug Henry Budds Creek 1995
6.) Sebastien Tortelli MXDN 1999
5.) David Pingree Phoenix 2002
4.) Ricky Carmichael and James Stewart Unadilla 2005
3.) Marty Smith 1975
2.) A collection of Supercross/Motocross crashes