Hi Ping!
During the coverage of Jacksonville they show Erik Kehoe talking about how Canard is in the 450 class just to get experience and not to get in the way of the guys trying to win the series. They cut to clips of Canard riding and they show Canard almost taking out Dungey. I've been watching Canard and I'll be honest, every week I dislike him more. He is there almost taking people out as if he’s there to win the title. During a Jacksonville heat he took Hill's line and Hill washed out. He almost took out his own teammate [Davi Millsaps] during the race who's trying to get third in points. What made me lose all respect for this kid is when he tried to take Kevin Windham out. Kevin, being the great rider that he is, didn't let up and for the most part showed that kid he wouldn't be pushed around. I know the kid can ride, but what he is doing fast is making enemies. What do you think about Lites in the 450 class?
Dear Joss,
So, in short, you are mad that Trey Canard is racing against other riders to the best of his ability? I haven’t seen him take anyone out and the bottom line is that he is riding faster than all of the guys you mentioned. He came from the back of the pack last weekend, and in Dallas, and still made it to the box. Opportunities like the one Trey is getting with Honda right now don’t come along very often and I’m sure he is trying to make the most of his “tryout.” I know Trey well enough to assure you that he wasn’t trying to take Kevin out. Remember, KW is his teammate too. Trey is a genuinely nice guy. He’s also focused, driven and determined to make it in the premier class, obviously. Don’t be mad at him… be impressed.
I would like to get your take on the recent rash of old mxers getting busted for miscellaneous infractions: Healey getting busted for purse snatching, Eickel getting arrested for robbing a bank, Mike Jones going postal at the airport. It makes me a little sad to see the guys who were once at a respectable level in this sport reduced to this. I know you have this kind of trouble when dealing with any large group of individuals, but where are the stories of some guy going on to be a Doctor, or lawyer, or create some multi-million dollar business enterprise?
Dear RB,
This is a big problem in our sport. Education is an afterthought for young riders that show potential and when their time is up in the limelight, reality provides a harsh slap in the face. Occasionally you’ll get a former racer that creates a successful career after racing; Greg Albertyn comes to mind. But more common are the stories mentioned above. Clifford Adoptante was a great racer and freestyle rider when he was young. Then he got caught trying to move more grass than a type-A gardener in southern California during an El Nino spring. Nothing will harsh your mellow faster than some hard time in a state penitentiary. Maybe the new age limit will encourage kids to stay in school and complete their high school education before hitting the pro racing series. Or maybe nothing will change the apathetic attitude that uneducated parents have towards their children’s own schooling. Here’s one thing I do know for sure: Motocross guys are tough. The news reports said it took five stuns from a Taser gun to take down “Mad” Mike Jones in Miami. I’m not condoning his actions here but I kind of feel the same way Clark W. Griswold felt when he jumped his Wagon Queen Family Truckster station wagon 50 yards over the guard rail in the Arizona desert; it’s a bad deal, but still kind of impressive.
Dear Ping,
I just got my US Census form and it seems all they want to know over at the US Census Bureau is my race. Being the good citizen I am, I checked off the "Other" box and wrote in "Offroad." For my boys (Person 3 and Person 4 per the instructions), I also checked the "Other" box under Race, and wrote in "Motocross." My question is, if this strategy is successful in funneling Obama-Bucks to the motocross community, will Trey Canard have to thank Obama the next time he is on the podium, right after Jesus?
PS: Is it genetically possible to have motocross offspring from an off-road father, or will the Census Bureau just assume they are adopted?
Dear Pugdumpster,
I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out why they need to know my race to determine the population of Temecula and the greater Riverside County. I love your ideas and your energy, but you might want to watch out for Big Brother. As quickly as our government is growing you could have a man in a black suit show up to your house and chop your hands off with a Ginsu knife for making a joke like that. If your plan does work and all of this money that Obama is magically producing [borrowing from China] to stimulate the economy does get used to support our sport, then we might have to change a few things. Triples will be referred to as the "Pelosi Peaks," faster riders will have to ride with one hand to give “less fortunate” riders a fair chance, and to keep in step with the green movement we'll all be on electric bikes. Don’t turn to me for advice if it gets this far because I will be living in New Zealand herding sheep for a living.
P.S. The good news is that you may have a better chance of getting your off-road/motocross bastard child into a decent college now that our government controls all student loans.
Got a question for Ping? E-mail him at ping@racerxonline.com.