Filthy Phil Nicoletti made his return to racing at the High Point National after crashing hard at the Hangtown Motocross Classic and proceeded to rip a sweet holeshot in the second moto. Before this weekend's Southwick National, Phil took the time to answer YOUR questions. Enjoy!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re originally a New York guy, right? That leaves me wondering about your thoughts on Unadilla. The homecoming has to be pretty special for you, but at the same time, you’re not a guy who pulls punches when describing a track you aren’t happy with. So I’d imagine taking rocks to the hands all afternoon wouldn’t be something you particularly enjoy. So is Unadilla a track you look forward to coming to, or one you, and your hands, dread?
-Befuddled in Illinois
Unadilla has become so much better over the years. The rocks have been taken out over the years. Unadilla isn’t what it used to be when I was a 9-year-old kid watching from the other side of valley. I’m not going to lie though, there was something about that track being mostly grass. I remember like it was yesterday sitting on the hillside (where Stew landed on RC) and watching the Saturday practice and qualifiers happen to get into Sunday. I wish the track had some of the “older sections” left in, but I’m glad they brought the big hill back in that leads up to the amateur pits. You're right, Unadilla’s roost is [still] quite painful. You’re hitting 50-55 mph and riding into rocks coming off a wheel at a ridiculous speed. You don’t realize the speed at Dilla, because the track is so open, but it is a very fast track.
Social Media Phil,
I was spending some quality time with my phone and as I was scrolling through Instagram I noticed a picture of you with a Jettson Donuts sticker (I think it was a sticker?) on your helmet. What is the deal with that? Do you just run the sticker because you like sweet pastries? Does Jett sponsor you? If so, what is the structure of your deal? Are you backing up the Brinks truck or does Jett just throw some donuts your way on the weekends?
-Alpine Eddie
I’m not sure where you've been Eddie, unless you have been living under a rock, but that Jettson Donut sticker has been on all my helmets for a year and half. Yes, a 20-year-old sponsors a washed up 35-year-old that gets in his way. Jett respects his elders, as does Hunter. I can’t lie here, the donuts are pretty damn good. I’ve had a few dozen. My team guys make me get them a few boxes every weekend at SX. It helps keep them happy with me when I’m not happy. Now having said all that, I wish I could have negotiated my deal a little better with how Jett's past year and half has gone with all the F$$$$$$ WINNING and all those bonuses, but beggars can’t be choosers. Lucas Mirtl, Jett's agent, was hard to deal with on the contract negotiations. I thought he was my friend/agent, but I need to relook at some things.
I know you guys are pretty much in and out on race weekends, but is there a specific city on the schedule, for supercross or motocross, that you look forward to traveling to? I’m not talking about the track of event itself, but the geographic location. If so what is it, and why? Or have you just been doing this long enough that you’re cynical and everything looks the same?
-Drew S.
That’s a solid question. This is going to be a double edge sword. I’m going to try and leave certain “things” out of my picks. I love going to Denver. Easy airport, great restaurants, and beautiful views. So that fact we to go there twice for SX/MX is a bonus. I also have friends that live there in a beautiful area in the mountains, so it really helps the enjoyment level.
Another place I enjoy going to and this might seem weird, is Seattle. I know it has a bad wrap with some shit, which is 100% true, but the city, restaurants, and attractions are awesome. Even though the race is 99% chance of mud every year, it’s makes up for it. To be honest, even the shitty places have some nice restaurants and attractions to check out. I’m very spoiled when it comes to places I've seen and unreal restaurants I’ve been to over the years.