We've reached a rare break in the annual AMA racing calendar, so now we reflect on Monster Energy Supercross and prepare for Pro Motocross. Our man Phil Nicoletti is still recovering from his dislocated wrist but he's back on the bike and hoping to race his YZ450F outdoors soon.
Phil still has time for you, even though he's probably grumpy. If you have questions send an email to Phil@racerxonline.com.
(Note: Some questions have been lightly edited for clarity.)
So lets talk $...
How much did ET3 hand Chase in bonus money? Is a 450 supercross title worth a milhouse in bonus? These guys have to write some crazy stuff into their contracts. But then again, Sexton was and is expected to be a championship contender so maybe his odds weren’t that good.
Hey Bird. 450 championship bonus is quite big. Compared to other sports, it ain’t much. But in our little world it’s quite big. I've come up with a general list of what a 450 Supercross Championship probably pays:
1.25 million manufacturer/team
Gear can be anywhere between 100k to 250k
Energy Drink, 100k to 200k
Goggles probably 50k to 75k
Again just depends how well your agent wrote it up. So it’s a substantial about, I mean that could end up being around 2 million. Meanwhile, the 250 championship is 500k from the team. If you have your own gear deal, then you get those bonuses too. While we’re at it, getting on a team like Honda HRC or KTM is becoming quite lucrative for a 250 rider, because the riders can get their own gear deals. Because that is so lucrative, I see the team gear deals changing in the next few years.
Recently we have seen you work as a journalist (this column), in the broadcast booth (Race Day Live) and we’ve seen you working/coaching with Enzo in the Club MX vlogs. Does any of this interest you for when you decide to hang up the boot? As a lifelong fan of the sport, I have always appreciated your openness on what it is really like being a pro racer and your racing journey brings sincere credibility. So is there a post racing plan for Phil, and are you willing to share it with us?
Jimmy G
There is a plan. I’ve talked to a few people about life after moto. But if I do, it has to be with people I enjoy being around. Not for nothing, but there are some people that I just can’t stand. They also probably feel that way about me. There is life outside our little bubble as well. I’m not delusional to that either. I have many friends that are very successful that have nothing to do with moto, they always say there is a place for me, which is an unbelievable gesture from them. Obviously my heart is moto, through and through. But it has to be with people that I like. I don’t mind doing this column once a week. I can handle three questions a week. But if I had to produce stuff every day like everyone at Racer X, or Matthes at Pulp, then I AM OUT! I do this column because I enjoy it, and it keeps my mind active in a way it hasn’t since high school.
I also enjoy working on the team side, because I know exactly how the bike is on a Tuesday and on a Saturday. I know what Enzo and Jeremy see and feel. To have people that have been there and felt the same issues brings comfort, I feel. I know how the bike should respond with engine or chassis changed. It’s just pieces of the puzzle you pick up through the years. At every top level, it becomes an art. So it was really cool to see the view from the starting line, and the manager’s tower. I could see myself there maybe someday, but at this point in my life, I still enjoy the view from the starting gate.
What’s up Phil? I was listening to this basketball podcast the other day about players on a team choosing not to practice one time back in 1999, and it’s something that’s still talked about now, because the players never get to weigh on on when they practice. The coaches usually decide and that’s the way it is. When these players wanted a day off ONE TIME, it was a massive deal. When it comes to you guys, like down at ClubMX, do you have a vote in when you ride and train, or do you have to follow the program no matter what? If you’re tired and ask for a day off, do you get worried the team will think you’re lazy?
Solid question. People lose sight on this one. Saturday is the most important day of the week. It doesn’t matter how fast or how long your motos were on Wednesday. If you’re so committed to frying yourself on Wednesday that you compromise fitness on Saturday, well, then you’re an idiot. But with that being said, everyone is different. Phil Nicoletti at 34 years old in 2023 CANNOT handle the riding workload of Phil Nicoletti back in 2013. That’s not going to work. There are times though, where you do have to man up and not be a b@&$? and push over the hump. I personally will be getting to that point soon as I rebuild after missing so much time. But some guys can handle more load than others. So one guy might only be able to ride once after a national because they are TKOed, while the other guy can get two days in. Again, everyone is different and that doesn’t mean one guy is going to do better on Saturday than the other. The unfortunate part is that the rider does feel self guilt. I know, because I’ve felt that. Even when you know you need time off and try to it, it still feels like you’re missing time, losing fitness, and being a puss. But I’m reality you are doing yourself a favor. At Club, every knows the heat is a killer. So when we all know if it’s way too hot and going to destroy us, we tone it down. Not because he are being babies, but because the extra 10 min during a moto during the week might leave us destroyed on Saturday. So, the general rule is this: middle of the season is about quality, not quantity.