Dunlop Announces Expansion of Team Dunlop Support to Canada
Buffalo, New York - For more than 11 years, Dunlop has led the motocross field with amateur support for young, up-and-coming racers through Team Dunlop. Considered one of the premier rider support programs in the U.S.A., Team Dunlop is now expanding to include support for young riders in Canada. The program expansion will allow team members to purchase Dunlop motocross tires at a discounted rate through a mail-in rebate program.
To become eligible to join Team Dunlop and start receiving discounted product, Canadian riders can go to and select the “Athlete Programs” tab. Next, click on the “Join Now” option and apply for support by providing rider info and uploading rider results. Upon approval of the application, Dunlop will forward full program details to the rider, including all benefits and a full sponsorship contract. Once the contract is completed, Team D families will receive Promo Codes to use on the rebate forms. After making a purchase of a Dunlop off-road tire from a Canadian dealer, simply send in the receipt along with the rebate form to the rebate center in order to receive a MasterCard® Prepaid Card through the mail.
Team Dunlop members in Canada are also eligible to be considered for the Team Dunlop Elite program, which grants 15 riders per year additional support, including preferred-treatment service at select races and advertising and promotional opportunities in international media, as well as the Team Dunlop online community.
“We are committed to supporting amateur motocross, and for more than a decade we've been watching young Team Dunlop riders grow up to become professional racers,” said Rob Fox, Dunlop Amateur Motocross Support Manager. “By expanding this program to include Canada, we now gain the opportunity to support even more riders and help them along as they mature in the sport. These are exciting and fun times!”