With Christmas upon us, here's a look at some of the cool, Moto-related holiday greetings that came our way. Here's wishing a Merry Christmas to all of our friends, readers and fellow racers!
Check out the cool Blackwater 100 phone that we got as a Christmas gift from RiderSurance.com. And the best part is? The phone works!
Here's a badass Santa laying down some tracks in the snow from Acorn Woods Communication.

Here's one from our Aussi pal Alex Gobert, of MotoOnline.com.au, where Metty, The Dunge, and Reed all sport a fashionable santa cap:
From the AMA:

Legends & Heroes card:

WPS had Santa over on their test track to spin a few laps.
From our friends at Matrix Concepts:

Sprocketlist card:

Muscle Milk card:

The Motocross Files card:

Road 2 Recovery card:

From Lockstraps

Renthal card:

Hilarious KTM video: