On Track School to Host 2nd Annual Scholarship Race November 13-15
On Track School and GPF (Georgia Practice Facility) are proud to announce the 2nd annual Cash for Class Scholarship Race. The mission: Community Support for Education Through Racing.
At last year’s integral race, GPF raised over $12,750 in donations to support education for racers. Over $9,300 in scholarships in 14 classes were awarded to racers in the form of tax free contributions for the first ever scholarship race for motocross athletes.
Cash awards are provided based on overall race results at the event in qualified classes as tax free deposits into 529 Educational Savings Plans set up by parents. The funds can be used toward college, trade school, technical institutes as well as private K-12 schools. Full explanation of how to use a 529 Education Plan.
On Track School is a 501(c)(3) non profit accredited distance learning school for grades K-12. Donations made in support of Cash for Class will receive tax deductible receipts. The Scholarship Race Board of Directors include the highest level of support from the AMA, MX Sports and industry leaders.
We would like to count on our motocross community’s support for education through racing. For more information, contact Andrea Leib, Tasha Renfro at 951-223-6787 or askme@ontrackschool.com.
2nd Annual Scholarship Race November 13-15, 2020
GPF, Cairo, GA
For more information, visit www.gpfmx.com.