Koto-ku, Tokyo – KTM Japan KK announced the appointment of Bradley Hagi as its new president, effective December 1, 2016. As president, Hagi will assume responsibility for the Japanese subsidiary to include the KTM Group brands KTM and Husqvarna Motorcycles. Hagi will work closely with interim president Michael Schano until the end of the year to ensure seamless transition, while Schano will remain in the company as chairman.
Hagi, was formerly vice president of sales and marketing for KTM North America based in Murrieta, California. Prior to joining KTM in 2009, Hagi lived in Italy working for Ducati managing distributors around the world focusing on emerging markets. After graduating from Illinois State University, Hagi was recruited by Yamaha Motor Corporation as a district manager and spent almost a decade in various sales and marketing positions before heading to Europe.
On this occasion, Hubert Trunkenpolz, chief sales officer (CSO) of KTM AG, said:
“Japan is an extremely strategic and important market for KTM and Husqvarna Motorcycles and we are delighted that Mr. Hagi will be leading the KTM/Husqvarna Group in Japan.”
The new president of KTM Japan KK went on to comment as follows:
“When I got the call to join KTM Japan it was like a dream coming true, Japan has such an amazing motorcycle culture and is a real honor to be selected as president. My wife and I are very excited for this next chapter our life and relocating to Tokyo.”