Film: Feld
Chasing the Dream - Xtra is a web based series culled from the acclaimed Chasing the Dream television program and the ninth webisode features GEICO Honda's Malcolm Stewart at the Las Vegas Finals. Entering the season finale, Malcolm Stewart had to finish 10th or better to clinch his first-ever Eastern Regional 250SX Class Championship.
Moments before the final qualifying session, the skies darkened and an unusual storm passed through Las Vegas, transforming the pristine track conditions to widespread flooding and mud. The final qualifying session was cancelled leaving the racers to line up based on their earlier qualifying results.
The weather was a complete race-changer and left the teams scrambling for new strategies as championships were on the line in both the Eastern and Western Regional 250SX Class Championships.
Shadow Stewart throughout the day and experience the roller-coaster of emotions that Malcolm went through as the skies turned blue again over the Las Vegas desert, setting the stage for one of the night's most highly anticipated moments. Chasing the Dream - Xtra captures every moment of the muddy fight to the finish and the victory when Stewart crosses the finish line. Relive the heartfelt celebration as he shares his win with friends and family.