Film: Red Bull
Red Bull has released the third episode (of eight) of the critically acclaimed documentary series "MX Nation." The third episode looks in on Troy Lee Designs/Red Bull KTM teammates Jessy Nelson and Shane McElrath as they deal with the pressures, the failures and the victories that come with racing in the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship.
Last week at Round 5 of the championship, McElrath nearly won his first career moto and finished third overall behind Cooper Webb and Joey Savatgy. We talked with the North Carolina native about his near career day after the race.
Nelson is currently recovering from a grade two sprain of his MCL and a bruised femur sustained at Thunder Valley. He missed Round 5 at Muddy Creek.
The motocross series “MX Nation” is once again lifting the curtain to peek behind the scenes of the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship. This season the eight episode series will explore the 250 class, following the next generation of riders looking to make a name for themselves and progress to the pinnacle of the sport.
Highlighted riders will include: Jeremy Martin, Joey Savatgy, Adam Cianciarulo, Shane McElrath, Jessy Nelson, Cooper Webb and Austin Forkner.