Last night at the 2016 Monster Energy Supercross opener in Anaheim, defending 450SX champion Ryan Dungey collided with James Stewart early in the main event. Stewart hit the ground hard, forcing the main event to be red flagged. He was eventually taken off the track by the Asterisk Medical Crew.
Stewart did not line up for the restart and his status for Round 2 hasn’t been determined.
The crash immediately drew comparisons to Kevin Windham’s take out of David Vuillemin in 2006. Windham addressed the matter on Instagram today saying that he went into the corner with one goal: “To take @dv934 out in a big way.”
He added: “I went in trying to take someone's head off and you can never convince me that is what dunge intention was when he went into the corner. My apologies DV. Last night was a racing incident. But that's just my opinion. Can't wait for round 2.”
Read the full post from Windham:
Well, people are asking so here ya go...... I was so filled with emotion that I went into the corner in 2006 with only one goal. To take @dv934 out in a big way. It was stupid and I let emoting get the best of me. Last night, when I over analyze the @ryandungey @therealjs7 deal this is what I see. I see @elhombre_21 make a mistake in the rhythm section. Stewart goes right and dunge starts to his left neither of them realizing Anderson speed or jump combination sense he has messed up rhythm. Stewart is in attack mode as he should be, and heading to the front like he does when he cuts down early in corner to make the pass. Unfortunately, when dunge saw stew cutting down, he was had already committed and was in the air. Amplified by the fact that dunge' last minute line change caused him to hang a wheel on the last jump. I went in trying to take someone's head off and you can never convince me that is what dunge intention was when he went into the corner. My apologies DV. Last night was a racing incident. But that's just my opinion. Can't wait for round 2