Come out October 11, 2015, the Sunday of the twenty-eighth annual Suzuki Top Gun Showdown (October 9–11) at Muddy Creek Raceway—Blountville, Tennessee—for the first Racer X-sponsored Motocross Training Facility/Camp Shootout! This will be a team race. We're not sure who's showing up yet, but we want to see the MTFs versus the GPFs and the Moto X compounders versus the SoBs (that's South of the Border, people) and whatever other top-fight facilities send riders attend.
Why should a training facility participate?
- We’ll provide national exposure with big coverage of the winning facility on this website and with a feature story in Racer X Illustrated
- The Racer X championship trophy
- Special reserved facility/camp group parking
- A full page ad, free to the winning facility/camp
- A free facility/camp display/vending area at the Tennessee National
FORMAT: Five riders accumulate points for their facility/camp. Racers can race multiple classes, but only their best overall score in one class will count.
RULES: No pro licensed riders will be allowed. Riders must have been enrolled and training at the facility at least thirty days in the past nine months.
TIE BREAKER: The rider who scores the best in the biggest classes. The number of riders that are in the class.
CLASSES NOT ELIGIBLE: All D Beginner classes, 50cc Multi-Speed, ATVs, Girls 12-16 years, Unlimited C/D, 55+, and 60+
We will provide each training facility/camp a reserved designated parking area, plus we will provide each facility/camp two free weekend passes. Each facility/camp can bring as many riders as they want. The overall scores from their fastest five riders (in the Sunday race) will count for the championship. The event will have a Friday practice day, a Saturday AMA Pro-Am race with all classes, then (the main event) another AMA Pro-Am race with all classes on Sunday. The Sunday race will determine the facility/camp championship.
Only the winning facility/camp name will be announced and promoted. This is winner-take-all—second place or last place or any other place isn’t even going to get the same level of coverage, so these teams need to bring it.