In its inaugural year, Moto Sport Adaptive (MSA) is offering motocross riders the opportunity to once again compete in a race series for a championship title thanks to Mike Schultz. Injured in a 2008 snocross accident which cost him his leg above the knee, Schultz not only returned to snocross and motocross competitions, but he has won six X Games gold medals, was recently named to the U.S. Paralympic Snowboard team, has engineered and built prosthetics used by action sports/ motor sports athletes and wounded soldiers and is now organizing the MSA series for other adaptive motocross athletes. With the support of Colorado-based organization, Adaptive Action Sports, the Colorado event marks the second stop in the championship series. The first stop of the series was held in Michigan in May as part of the Extremity Games, and the final stop will be in Texas in October.
When: Sunday, August 30th
Where: Thunder Valley Motocross Park; Lakewood, Colorado
In addition to X Games medalists Doug Henry and Chris Ridgway, more than fifteen riders will be vying for prize money and the chance for a Championship title in one of three classes: Lower Limb, Upper Limb or Para.
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