Racer X Fantasy: High Point Prizes
June 11, 2015, 9:00am
Racer X has partnered with MotoDynasty to bring you Fantasy Motocross. We'll be offering cool weekly and series prizes; dynasty play; private leagues that just you and you're buddies can play in; weekly fantasy previews; and weekly podcasts all focused on fantasy.
New prizes are available every week, and this week, Fly Racing will be awarding prizes to the top three in both the 450 and 250 classes. It costs a mere $4 to be eligible for weekly prizes, so get on it!
450 and 250 Prizes
1st place: FLY Kinetic Vector Mesh Rockstar Pant & Jersey
2nd place: FLY Kinetic Impulse Helmet
3rd place: FLY Neat Freak Backpack