Spectrum is a unique, in-depth eight-episode documentary series highlighting today's professional Supercross and motocross athletes in a fashion never before seen within the sport. Featuring athletes such as Andrew Short, who is on his fifteenth year as a professional, to newcomers trying to make a name for themselves such as Luke Renzland, Spectrum dives deep into the psyche of the these athletes, all of whom are at different intersections of their careers. Showing viewers the different layers of such a demanding and, sometimes life-threatening sport.
Spectrum - Trailer from Kyle Cowling on Vimeo.
Andrew Short
Cole Seely
Wil Hahn
Tommy Hahn
Jimmy Albertson
Adam Jones
Luke Renzland
Scott Champion
Jackson Richardson
Joachim Falden
And more...
A Short Film Series by Kyle Cowling
Associate Producer: Phantasos Media
Associate Producer: Nick Thiel & Kyle Cowling
Film.Edit.Color: Kyle Cowling
Second Unit Camera: Dylan Phohl
Original Score: Oliver Lyu
Design: Todd Gutierrez
Animation Design: Gabe Gutierrez
Cloning Artist: Sheldon Devantier
Still Photography: Todd Gutierrez
Written By: Nick Thiel
Narration: Bryan Friday