Highlights from this week on Holeshot Radio:
- The Holeshot Radio Ride Days are going off. Everyone is jumping on the chance to demo 2014 bikes, meet Doug Henry and get a FREE Ticket to the NJ SX. The first 3 ride days are 4/7, 5/10, and 6/9 – Don’t miss out. Details and sign up at www.stimilon.com/ride Limited Entry - only 100 sold!
- Interview with Manchester Honda/KTM’s TK. He explains why their dealership is taking bikes off the show room floor and demoing them so you can try before you buy. He also talks about the new HUSKYs and why he cant keep them in stock. Want to ride one – come to our ride day on 4/7
- The Boys review the Daytona SX and ask is this the end of the season…
- What will Detroit bring and where are you in the Promotofan.com fantasy pool? Use coupon code “Holeshot” for special discounts
- Doug Henry comments on Pingre’s Racer X Article regarding podium speech etiquette and how to give a memorable interview
- And in the “they are listening to our show…” section we discuss how SX commercials are getting better by including the riders and teams in the spot.
Download and listen on your smartphone today. And don’t miss the Detroit SX on Fox Sports 1 at 11:30pm EST this Saturday
Holeshot Radio airs on 1510AM YAHOO Sports Radio Boston, a 50,000 watt station covering 5 states, on Saturdays at 6am, or you can download the shows for FREE on iTunes or podbean.com by searching “holeshotradio” (one word) to Listen on Demand and listen anywhere in the world. Subscriptions are always FREE!
Direct Link on Podbean.com – www.holeshotradio.podbean.
Holeshot Radio is brought to you by the following proud supporters: Spectro Oils, Flat Out Flat Bread, Novik Gloves, MX 101, Cycles 128, Kind Bars, Diamond Electric, Atlantic Collision, Sardilli Insurance Agency and Nationwide Insurance, Cycle Gear, Promotofan.com, Hotshoppedesigns.com, Legendsandheroestour.org, and we welcome new sponsor Sunstar
For show updates and to get your questions asked like us on Facebook – Holeshot Radio. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter
For information about the show contact davidwolcott@gmail.com or holeshotr@yahoo.com