Jake Canada Released from MotoConcepts
June 20, 2013, 12:15am
MotoConcepts Press Release
It is with much regret we announce Jake Canada has been released from his contract with MotoConcepts Racing (MCR). “MCR has strict medical requirements as part of rider contracts for health and safety reasons and Jake was unwilling to comply with contract terms therefore we have had to terminate his contract effective immediately” said team owner Mike Genova. “We at MotoConcepts have enjoyed working with and growing Jake’s skills as a racer and wish him the best of luck in the future.”
For more information about MotoConcepts Racing or MotoConcepts, please visit www.motoconceptsracing.com or www.motoconcepts.com or call 877.321.2199. Additional information can be found at www.Facebook.com/mcrmx