Mammoth MX Off Track Activities
ODI and Americore SMX have partnered up together to offer some "off-track" entertainment at this year's Mammoth Moto. Monday night June 24th at 5:30 ODI and Americore SMX will be hosting a Scooter Jam. The Jam will be at the Village and thanks to Mike Colbert and his crew will feature some of the features from the snowboard park down on the Village floor in order to make an awesome park. Americore SMX is one of the first companies to manufacture an OFF ROAD scooter made with tires, not wheels. They also are the first scooter brand to support the sport of motocross and put together their own amateur team. There aren't many opportunities to session the Village without getting chased out so come join us for a night of fun.
Space is limited so to guarantee your spot come sign up at the ODI booth at the track during Monday's Mini Practice.
No personal scooters allowed, bring your own helmet.