Unit Searches for Models at Stimilon
Three winners will be chosen and awarded the following prizes:
1st place will receive $100 cash from Unit and a $200 gift card for Unit merchandise
2nd place will receive $50 cash from Unit and a $200 gift card for Unit merchandise
3rd place will receive a $200 gift card for Unit merchandise
"We have noticed how the Stimilon Event has grown over the years and we have always wanted to get involved," said Colby Telep, Unit's Northeast Rep, "The Model search gives us a great way to bring something to the event and have a lot of fun doing it!"
"Unit is one of those companies that has amazing ads, so it is flattering that they want to bring this idea to our event", explains promoter Dave Olcott, "We are looking forward to working with them to make this a big part of Saturday night's festivities!"
Unit will also showcase the winners on their webpages and throughout their social media circles, so the winners will not only get cash, product but also some nice exposure as well. To sign up just post your photo and why you want to be a Unit girl on the Stimilon Facebook page. Check in is Friday night May 25th at the X-Pro booth in the pits.
Stimilon Motocross Challenge
May 25-27
MX 338, Southwick, MA
For More information check out www.stimilon.com
2012 video invite: http://vimeo.com/34417250