Canard to Attend CampRev
June 19th - 21st 2012 at Underground MX, Will You?
PanicREV is excited to have Factory Honda racer Trey Canard on board for the 2012 CampREV summer motocross camp in Texas. Canard states, “Having been to a couple of PanicREV camps, it’s awesome to experience what they have to offer. My favorite part is that everyone there has a common love and goal to know Jesus Christ. I look forward to spending time with everyone in Texas, getting to learn more about Jesus, and seeing people enjoying their motorcycles!”
Scott Parkinson, president of PanicREV states, “We are excited to have Trey Canard on board for the CampREV Texas summer camp! Trey has a gift on and off the bike, and God has used him in incredible ways at previous camps. I can’t wait to see all that is in store at this summer's Texas camp! We look forward to seeing everyone ripping it up at Underground MX June 19th – 21st!
Join us this summer in Texas and train with the top Christian athletes in the sport of motocross. Trainers will include: Trey Canard, Sean Hackley, Zab Smith, Nick Brozovich, Jerry Masterpool, and Matt Cleveland. The CampREV program continues to grow, so make sure you check back often to get the latest updates.
To register and/or get more information please visit
About PanicREV
The Mission of PanicREV is to introduce the motocross community to a personal, life changing, and eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. PanicREV has been operating in the motocross community since 2003 through weekly bible studies known as Relevant, trackside chaplin services at races, hosting special events, and motocross camps.