Novik Gloves 2012 Glove Line Now in Stock
The new T.E.C. line is similar to the “That’s Cool” line from last year with a few changes in materials and pull-tab. That is a slip-on type glove with vented single-layer palm, to maximize grip feel and dexterity.
Last years “Crimestopper” line, has been replaced by the all new “SIGNAL” glove for 2012. The Signal line has a lightly padded palm that is very similar to the Crimestopper but the upper hand has been completely re-done as well as the Velcro-enclosure.
Finally the newly revised “Sv2” (or Shanghai Version 2) has been changed to accommodate an increased level of upper hand protection against rocks, roost, branches…etc. Going underneath the glove, the palm on the new Sv2 did not change from last years “Shanghai” line. Novik continued to incorporated the same single layer palm that has been very well responded to for the last few years.
So that’s a brief description of the changes of the freshly available Novik Gloves 2012 Line-up.
For more information see your local Novik Dealer or go to