What's Your Wildest High Point National Memory?
June 7, 2011, 12:05pm
What's Your Wildest High Point National Memory?
PA's own Tony D wins the first HP National in '77 97 votes - 3%
Mark Barnett from last to first on a 125 238 votes - 7.3%
The Bradshaw/Stanton battles in the early 90s 124 votes - 3.8%
Bradshaw wins in the mud, 1997 327 votes - 10%
Narita vs. Pastrana in the mud in 2000, KTM wins 125 overall 162 votes - 5%
RC and KW doubling the tunnel together in 2003 430 votes - 13.2%
RC jumping over Stewart in 2005 1037 votes - 31.8%
Stewart over the front in 2006 284 votes - 8.7%
Reed jumping half of Bradshaw Blvd. in 2009 446 votes - 13.7%
Other 115 votes - 3.5%