Barcia, Emig and Williams on the Pulpmx Show Tonight
April 11, 2011, 5:50pm
Tonight on the Pulpmx Show presented by, hosts Steve Matthes and Kenneth Watson will welcome on GEICO Honda’s Justin Barcia to talk about how his east coast 250 title chase is going. Barcia’s got a twenty point lead with one race remaining and we’ll chat with him about that one race and a few other things.
Jeff Emig, a former supercross and motocross champion, will be on the line tonight to talk about this tremendous series and his front row view of it as it’s color analyst for CBS and Speed TV.
Vurb founder Wes Williams is in Las Vegas tonight on his way to the annual World Mini and he’ll be in-studio (probably violating his DMXS contract as well) to talk about that race, if he knows the Mud Dolphin and his thoughts on the amateur mx scene.
You’ll be able to call in and talk to these guys as well as Watson and Matthes anytime tonight. Go ahead and ask that burning question that you’ve always had on your mind!
The one and only, Tits Legendary will be in-studio to read the MX news and be a sounding board for the Matthes and Watson. If you’re on Twitter and have a question for the show, ask him @titslegendary and he’ll do his best to get it on the air.
What you’ll want to do is log-in to at 6PM PST/9PM EST and click on the Pulpmx Show banner. That will take you to the media player where you can increase your moto knowledge. As usual, you can call in at anytime during the show to talk to the guest or the hosts at 702-586-PULP (7857).
Thanks to our sponsor is your #1 source for motocross gear and accessories with Free Shipping WORLDWIDE. Visit BTO today so you can get out and ride!
The Pulpmx show is also brought to you by X-Brand Goggles,, FMF Racing, AGV Helmets, Works Connection, Kicker and O’Neal
Jeff Emig, a former supercross and motocross champion, will be on the line tonight to talk about this tremendous series and his front row view of it as it’s color analyst for CBS and Speed TV.
Vurb founder Wes Williams is in Las Vegas tonight on his way to the annual World Mini and he’ll be in-studio (probably violating his DMXS contract as well) to talk about that race, if he knows the Mud Dolphin and his thoughts on the amateur mx scene.
You’ll be able to call in and talk to these guys as well as Watson and Matthes anytime tonight. Go ahead and ask that burning question that you’ve always had on your mind!
The one and only, Tits Legendary will be in-studio to read the MX news and be a sounding board for the Matthes and Watson. If you’re on Twitter and have a question for the show, ask him @titslegendary and he’ll do his best to get it on the air.
What you’ll want to do is log-in to at 6PM PST/9PM EST and click on the Pulpmx Show banner. That will take you to the media player where you can increase your moto knowledge. As usual, you can call in at anytime during the show to talk to the guest or the hosts at 702-586-PULP (7857).
Thanks to our sponsor is your #1 source for motocross gear and accessories with Free Shipping WORLDWIDE. Visit BTO today so you can get out and ride!
The Pulpmx show is also brought to you by X-Brand Goggles,, FMF Racing, AGV Helmets, Works Connection, Kicker and O’Neal