Privateer Profile: Jacob Saylor
November 14, 2008, 8:04pm
Last weekend, a handful of American riders raced a supercross in Zurich, Switzerland, and both the SX1 and SX2 classes were won by U.S. residents: Heath Voss took top honors in SX1, while Jacob Saylor took the SX2 win. Most of the riders are still in Europe for a race in Stuttgart, Germany, this weekend, but we managed to track down “Prince of Zurich” Saylor for this week’s Privateer Profile.
Racer X: Jake, congrats on a great weekend in Zurich.
Jacob Saylor: Thank you very much. It was a great weekend for me. It was real intense racing, very similar to Arenacross, with lots of bar banging. I was stoked to come out on top. I've never been called a prince before!
[Laughs] What was the track like?
The track layout and design was great, but the dirt was horrible. It was a sandy mess that broke down and was always changing during the race. You had to stay on your toes because it was easy to make a mistake.
Who was your toughest competition?
Ben Evans. He rode good and took away my perfect sweep.
I heard you won a scooter. What the heck you going to do with that?
Yeah, when I was told I won a scooter, my first thought was, Cool, it’s maybe a Zuma or something—I will fit in perfect in Europe! But I was shocked when they rolled out this Yamaha Sport Bike. Needless to stay, I was a very happy guy.
You've spent a lot of time in Europe over the past year racing GPs, so are you showing all of the American riders the ropes over there?
Yeah, it’s great having [Matt] Boni and [Paul] Carpenter as my teammates. I spent seven months in Germany, and I know what it's like to feel a little out of place and uncomfortable, so we all help each other and get along good.
Jacob Saylor: Thank you very much. It was a great weekend for me. It was real intense racing, very similar to Arenacross, with lots of bar banging. I was stoked to come out on top. I've never been called a prince before!
[Laughs] What was the track like?
The track layout and design was great, but the dirt was horrible. It was a sandy mess that broke down and was always changing during the race. You had to stay on your toes because it was easy to make a mistake.
Who was your toughest competition?
Ben Evans. He rode good and took away my perfect sweep.
I heard you won a scooter. What the heck you going to do with that?
Yeah, when I was told I won a scooter, my first thought was, Cool, it’s maybe a Zuma or something—I will fit in perfect in Europe! But I was shocked when they rolled out this Yamaha Sport Bike. Needless to stay, I was a very happy guy.
You've spent a lot of time in Europe over the past year racing GPs, so are you showing all of the American riders the ropes over there?
Yeah, it’s great having [Matt] Boni and [Paul] Carpenter as my teammates. I spent seven months in Germany, and I know what it's like to feel a little out of place and uncomfortable, so we all help each other and get along good.
This weekend is Stuttgart. What are your expectations going in?
I'm moving back up to the SX1, and it's going to be tough. I want to be consistent and top-five each night. Most importantly, I want to stay healthy.
What's next for you after Stuttgart and throughout the rest of the winter?
I come home this Monday to get my butt in gear for 2009. I want to race Dortmund in January and get a few more gate drops under my belt before the supercross season in America starts up.
What's your plan for supercross?
Right now, my main focus is East Coast Lites for WWR and BSY Yamaha. I feel good on the 250F, and I want to put in some good rides and hopefully open some eyes for the outdoors. I'm open to coming back to Europe and racing too. I'm exploring all options.
Although your 2008 MXGP season probably didn't go as expected, you probably learned a lot.
It for sure didn't go as expected, but it taught me so much. It was an experience of a lifetime. I came away with some hard-earned points, so I have something to show for myself. It definitely made me a better all-around rider.
Who do you want to thank for helping you out, Jake?
Sturm Kawasaki for giving me the opportunity to race for them in Europe, and my sponsors that have stood beside me: MDK, DeCal Works, BSY Yamaha, Engine Ice, Fly Racing, Scott, Asterisk, One Industries, Tag Metals, Pro Circuit, Ogio, Dunlop, Fuel, Twin Air, Leatt-Brace, Racer X, DeNyse Signs, Cycra, Wiseco, Kicker, CV4, Pro Wheels, TCX Boots, Rollon Throttles, Litz Racing, Lucas Oil, SponsorHouse, Shane Shaft, Don Leib, Jeff Cernic, and Dave Kimmey.
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I'm moving back up to the SX1, and it's going to be tough. I want to be consistent and top-five each night. Most importantly, I want to stay healthy.
What's next for you after Stuttgart and throughout the rest of the winter?
I come home this Monday to get my butt in gear for 2009. I want to race Dortmund in January and get a few more gate drops under my belt before the supercross season in America starts up.
What's your plan for supercross?
Right now, my main focus is East Coast Lites for WWR and BSY Yamaha. I feel good on the 250F, and I want to put in some good rides and hopefully open some eyes for the outdoors. I'm open to coming back to Europe and racing too. I'm exploring all options.
Although your 2008 MXGP season probably didn't go as expected, you probably learned a lot.
It for sure didn't go as expected, but it taught me so much. It was an experience of a lifetime. I came away with some hard-earned points, so I have something to show for myself. It definitely made me a better all-around rider.
Who do you want to thank for helping you out, Jake?
Sturm Kawasaki for giving me the opportunity to race for them in Europe, and my sponsors that have stood beside me: MDK, DeCal Works, BSY Yamaha, Engine Ice, Fly Racing, Scott, Asterisk, One Industries, Tag Metals, Pro Circuit, Ogio, Dunlop, Fuel, Twin Air, Leatt-Brace, Racer X, DeNyse Signs, Cycra, Wiseco, Kicker, CV4, Pro Wheels, TCX Boots, Rollon Throttles, Litz Racing, Lucas Oil, SponsorHouse, Shane Shaft, Don Leib, Jeff Cernic, and Dave Kimmey.
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