Sponsorship Connection Offering Riders "Stimulus Program" for Branson National
October 7, 2008, 8:57am
McHenry, IL – Sponsorship Connection presented by MxResultz.com is offering an economical "Stimulus Program." Any rider attending the Branson Amateur National will be able to upgrade or renew their Sponsorship Connection account for $20.00 for one full year. Sponsorship Connection's AV Zone will be attending the National in full swing for all members, providing riders the entertainment of 4 forty inch plasma televisions with the climate controlled comfort the ZONE offers.
Sponsorship Connection understands the economies down time and wants to reward riders with not only the best sponsorships available but at a price that will not discourage riders/racers. MxResultz being a solely moto company, wants to help rebuild the industry and provide the best support possible for all riders. To learn more about MxResultz and Sponsorship Connection click Here.
Sponsorship Connection understands the economies down time and wants to reward riders with not only the best sponsorships available but at a price that will not discourage riders/racers. MxResultz being a solely moto company, wants to help rebuild the industry and provide the best support possible for all riders. To learn more about MxResultz and Sponsorship Connection click Here.