Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Rev Up. How many of you out there like to have a good time? Of course some folks’ definition of a good time is different and has several levels of intensity; the bottom line of a good time is doing something that is above and beyond the norm in the experience category. Well, if you like to be outside, listen to music, and watch the best motocross racers in the world throw down, we have a serious good time heading our way this weekend! The Red Bud National is wild, guys. Taking place right around July 4th weekend, the Red Bud faithful show up ready to blow up. It’s an awesome track that brings out the best in the riders and offers great racing.
Okay, this is where I think we are going to see some early fireworks. The tiddler class at Red Bud has always been weird. I mentioned Dobb’s moto win in 1996, then there was Ryan Mills winning a moto in ‘05. 2004 was one of the only nationals James Stewart raced in and lost all year. James went down in the first turn of the second moto and ended up with a destroyed bike, while YoT's Mike Brown won the overall. A few years before in 2001 saw Larry Ward win the last national of his career riding a Moto XXX YZ250F—the first national win for a four-stroke in Lites’ competition.
Now, thinking along the lines of a good time, let me paint a picture for you: You’ve watched the opening ceremonies come and go. You saw the first drop of the gate and watched the Lites boys round the first corner and put on a show for 30-minutes plus two laps. You crack a Monster (or a Pabst) as you hear the announcer belting out the names of the Motocross class competitors. As you take a good long pull off your beverage you hear, “And let’s hear it for Ricky Carmichael!” resonate from the loud speakers. You see #4 ride by standing up on the pegs checking out the lines on the track. Just behind him is the #7. Before long the boys are all back up on the starting line. There is a sudden and steady shift in the crowd as they begin to pack the fence line. The words coming out of the announcer are almost inaudible at this point because there are 40 450cc machines shaking the ground beneath your feet. Leticia pushes up the 30-second card and then, the moment she lets it fall sideways, thunder instantly changes into a high-pitched humming vibration that shakes the fillings in your molars. The gate slams down and all hell breaks loose. You see James Stewart and Ricky Carmichael round the first corner 4th gear pinned in a two-tire drift – now you are having an even better time!
This one is going to roll folks. I’m making the drive with the boys this time around and I can’t wait to get there and see the crowd. I want to see RV and BT throw down, and Dungey, J-Law and Josh to challenge them. I want to see someone new yank the holeshot in that Lites class and run like the devil’s chasing them. I want to have a good time.
Thanks for reading, see you next week.