Bikes of My Life, Hansel Edition
The way it shines in the garage, the excitement you feel when you load it up to go rip for the first time, or the way that everything feels nice, new and tight, unlike that sloppy, clapped out piece of junk you just sold to afford your new beauty. You know, the bike you advertised on Craig’s List as, “very clean,” and, “never raced.” Maybe you even threw in the classic, “fresh tires,” and, “very fast,” but that’s another story.
Right now we’re talking about your new bike, and how much it excites you. Of course, no matter how happy this awesome new ride makes you, there’s just no way it can replace some of your favorite bikes from the past. How could it? You haven’t had a chance to bond with it yet. You haven’t cleared that big triple together, or conquered that huge, gnarly hill full of tree roots and loose boulders yet. Hell, you haven’t even gotten in trouble together yet! The lack of bonding time is why bikes of years past will always hold a much more special place in your heart than any new bike ever could, and as time passes, those memories just get fonder and fonder. With that in mind, let’s dive into a few of the bikes of my life.
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