On Track School is at Loretta's
August 1, 2011, 1:10pm
Be sure to stop by the On Track booth on vendor row at the Red Bull Amateur Nationals at Loretta's Ranch this week, and say hi to program director, Andrea Leib, and instructor Wanda Ezell. They will be there all week to help answer any questions regarding virtual school, the benefits, and how it works. They will also be giving out the students honor roll stickers to run this week, so if you are an On Track student with all A's and B's - make sure you stop by and pick up your sticker! On Track is also having a raffle, giving away some awesome prizes! All proceeds will go to the On Track Scholarship Fund. Also, keep your ears open to listen for the announcement of this years On Track Scholarship winner! To finish off the week, On Track will be holding its graduation ceremonies later in the week for all of its high school graduates in attendance!
Lot's of great stuff happening at On Track - stop by and check it all out!!
For more information on On Track - visit www.ontrackschool.com www.facebook.com/ontrackschool and www.twitter.com/ontrackschool
Lot's of great stuff happening at On Track - stop by and check it all out!!
For more information on On Track - visit www.ontrackschool.com www.facebook.com/ontrackschool and www.twitter.com/ontrackschool