Mad Skills Motocross Featured on iTunes App Store
Morgantown, W.Va. - Mad Skills Motocross for iOS, launched worldwide on January 10, has once again been given prominent placement on the iTunes App Store. After being named a New and Noteworthy app by Apple last week, Mad Skills Motocross yesterday was included in the feature carousel on many of the world’s App Stores, including the United States, Australia, Russia, and many more. The addictive side-scrolling racing game is also included as a New and Noteworthy or What’s Hot app on most of the world’s App Stores.
“We’re really excited about how well the game has been received by the public so far,” said Turborilla’s Tobias Andersson, the game’s creator. “It’s awesome to see that Apple also recognizes Mad Skills Motocross as a great game by putting it in the spotlight like this.”
Mad Skills Motocross is available on the App Store now for only $1.99. To purchase, go to:
For more information, visit the official Mad Skills Motocross for iOS webpage:
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Get the official trailer HERE