Stilez Robertson's June Newsletter
Stilez had a good month in May & June where he qualified for Loretta Lynn’s National Championships. The 2009 AMA Air Natiques Amateur National Championships will be held the first week of August in Hurricane Mills, TN. Stilez qualified at the regional in Glen Helen, the weekend of June 6th & 7th. With a huge amount of entries, Stilez pulled off the win which secured him a spot in the 51cc (4-6) AMA 1 stock class. The event was a three moto format and Stilez went 1/1/1, which means he swept all three motos and putting a stamp on a very successful weekend.
As most of you know Stilez currently rides multiple classes, but Loretta Lynn rules state:
“Riders may participate in one 51 cc class at the Amateur Nationals”.
With the experience and a chance to get his first ever Loretta Lynn title, Stilez and his family elected for him to go for the AMA 1 stock class.
“This kid is definitely on a roll. As one of his sponsors, Matt “Moto” Sheldon of Decal Works told me last month after his newsletter, Jason, I have two words for you Stilez Robertson and that about sums it up. He is very motivated and excited about Ponca & Loretta’s. I wish him the best of luck as he embarks on his journey next month” Jason Reed of JR Publications.
These are the classes that Stilez is entered for Ponca & Loretta’s:
2009 Ponca City Grand National Championships:
PW Stock thru 6 yrs.
PW Modified thru 6 yrs.
Super PeeWee 6-9 yrs.
2009 AMA Air Natiques Amateur National Championships:
51 cc AMA 1 Stock 4-6 yrs
We will be back in August with results.....