Metal Mulisha Bikes Stolen
On the evening of Thursday, June 11, Jeremy "Twitch" Stenberg's house was broken into. The upside is that nobody was hurt, but there is always a downside! Apparently the perpetrators broke in through the garage and stole the following:
Twitch's YZ250 Freestyle Contest Bike
If you did this please return the bikes as we have investigators on the case right now. If you have any information about who may have done this please contact us or or use the contact form at the bottom of with any info you may have. If you see some nice bikes, or even parts, that look like something you've seen on Twitch or Taka’s on Craigs List, eBay, etc., let us know. Please, only serious leads so we’re not chasing our tails. Please help out if you know anything.
With X Fighters and X Games around the corner, Twitch and Taka need their practice and contest bikes so they can compete for you, the fans! Metal Mulisha Troops unite and help the family!
*Metal Mulisha is prepared to offer a reward of $1,000 of Metal Mulisha gear and passes to X Games to hang out with the Mulisha to the first individual that provides us with detailed information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of this crime. This reward does not apply to members of law enforcement or to the actual perpetrators of the crime. Additional terms and conditions may apply.
Thanks in advance for you support. M/M